Do yourself a favor and use this holiday tip.
There is a lot of really good relationship advice out there about how to navigate the holidays well, but the piece of advice I don’t hear enough that can save the holidays for you and your partner is really simple and practical, and we can all do it…
Take two cars. Or if you don’t have two cars, take an Uber or catch a ride with a friend.
Doing this will free you from so much unnecessary tension simply because couples tend to have different preferences for how long they spend time at social events, and during the holidays there are a lot of them.
My husband and I use to fight about this all the time - he is extremely extroverted and would want to spend time with folks until the wee hours of the night - while I much prefer to pop in, socialize a bit and then quietly slip out with an Irish goodbye.
We wasted a lot of time being frustrated with each other about something that is completely solvable.
Once we gave up on the idea that we had to arrive and leave social events together, we were able to savor the holidays without this tension hanging over us. Give it a try and go enjoy your holidays.